Apresentamos agora, 10
alterações de hábitos que podem contribuir significativamente para tornar a sua
alimentação mais saudável:
1. Use pratos mais pequenos! Quanto
maior for o prato, maior será a quantidade de comida necessária para o
preencher, logo, ao usar pratos menores, vai lá colocar menor quantidade de
comida. De acordo com um estudo de Wansink e sua equipa, este tipo de alteração
pode resultar numa percentagem de menos 22% de comida ingerida, ao fim de um
ano. Por outro lado, colocar menos quantidade num prato normal, não tem o
mesmo efeito, porque a imagem visual não nos permite ficar satisfeitos, como
nos mostra a imagem seguinte:
2. Tenha água sempre à mão.
Ao ter água sempre ao pé de si, a probabilidade de a ingerir é muito superior e
isso levá-lo-á a ingerir menos quantidade de outras bebidas nutricionalmente
menos positivas.
3. Opte por beber bebidas
alcoólicas e refrigerantes em copos altos e esguios, em vez de as beber
a partir de copos baixos e largos. Aos nossos olhos, copos compridos fazem-nos
pensar que contêm mais bebida e, quando assim é, tendemos a beber menos
quantidade (cerca de 20% a menos).
4. Use pratos com uma cor
contrastante com a cor da
sua comida. Quando a cor do prato combina com a cor da refeição, tendemos a
servir-nos mais vezes, uma vez que o cérebro tem problemas em distinguir o
tamanho da porção, do prato. Por este fator, as cores verde escuro e azul
escuro são as mais indicadas por serem as que mais contrastam com massa e
batata, por exemplo, e as que menos contrastam com vegetais.
5. Disponha comida saudável,
como fruta e frutos secos, em
locais estratégicos como
no hall de entrada. Deste modo, sempre que esteja apressado para sair de casa e
com fome, a probabilidade de pegar em alimentos saudáveis é maior.
6. Guarde comida não saudável em
papel de estanho e comida saudável em embalagens de plástico. Por ser opaco, o papel de
estanho não permite que se identifique logo a comida que contém, o que inibe a
ingestão emocional, ou seja, como não vemos a comida não saudável, não corremos
tanto risco de que nos apeteça comê-la.
7. Coloque a comida saudável em
embalagens maiores. Os
nossos olhos estão treinados a reparar mais em grandes caixas e, por isso, se
seguir este conselho, reparará com maior facilidade nos alimentos que
mais contribuem para a sua saúde. Mas atenção: se comprar produtos alimentares
não saudáveis, mas que venham em embalagens grandes, deve fazer por reparti-los
em caixas menores.
8. Use a regra do "meio
prato" quando se
estiver a servir, ou seja, comece por preencher metade do prato com verduras,
seguido da restante refeição.
9. Quando for às compras,
não pare tanto nos corredores centrais, pois são os que
normalmente contêm os alimentos processados e menos saudáveis. Opte por
circular pela pelos corredores da periferia.
10. Aplique as dicas sugeridas.
Post escrito com base no
site: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231277
We now present you 10 habit changes that can improve your health and life quality:
1. Use smaller plates: As bigger as your plate is, the more food you will need to fill it and so, using smaller plates, you'll put less food on it. According to a study by Wansink and his team, this kind of change can result in a total of 22% less of food that you eat. However, to put smaller amounts in plates with the regular size, won't have the same effect, once that our vision of the plate won't allow us to be completly satisfied, as you can se in the following image.
2. Always carry a bottle of water with you. If you do so, you'll drink more water and unconciously avoid other drinks less healthy or not healthy at all.
3. Use tall, slender glasses instead of short and fat ones.To our eyes, tall glasses make us think that they contain larger quantity of liquid and in that cases, we tend to drink less (20%).
4. Use plates that have a high contrast color with your food. When the plate's color matches the color of your meal, we are lead to repeat the meal because our brain can't distinguish the portion size on the plate. The colors dark green and dark blue are the most indicated, once they contrast better with pasta and rice, for example and contrast less with vegetables.
5. Display healthy foods like nuts in a proeminent place, like your home hall. This way, everytime you're in a rush and hungry, the odds to pick up an healthy food is bigger.
6. Wrap unhealthy food in tin foil and healthy food in plastic wrap. Because of its opacity, tin foil doesn't allow us to see what's so, your are less likely to eat it.
7. Use bigger packages to put your healthy food. Our eyes are trainned to look first to big boxes and so, if you follow this advice you are more likely to eat these kind of food. But pay attention: If you buy unhealthy food that comes in big packages, you shall trasfer it to smaller ones.
8. Use the "half plate" rule, which means that you shall fill half of your plate with vegetables first and than add the rest of the meal.
9. Use the "outer ring" strategy to buy healtier foods, because that's usually the location of the fresh and less processed foods.
10. Follow the previous advices ;)
This post was based on this article: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231277
We now present you 10 habit changes that can improve your health and life quality:
1. Use smaller plates: As bigger as your plate is, the more food you will need to fill it and so, using smaller plates, you'll put less food on it. According to a study by Wansink and his team, this kind of change can result in a total of 22% less of food that you eat. However, to put smaller amounts in plates with the regular size, won't have the same effect, once that our vision of the plate won't allow us to be completly satisfied, as you can se in the following image.
2. Always carry a bottle of water with you. If you do so, you'll drink more water and unconciously avoid other drinks less healthy or not healthy at all.
3. Use tall, slender glasses instead of short and fat ones.To our eyes, tall glasses make us think that they contain larger quantity of liquid and in that cases, we tend to drink less (20%).
4. Use plates that have a high contrast color with your food. When the plate's color matches the color of your meal, we are lead to repeat the meal because our brain can't distinguish the portion size on the plate. The colors dark green and dark blue are the most indicated, once they contrast better with pasta and rice, for example and contrast less with vegetables.
5. Display healthy foods like nuts in a proeminent place, like your home hall. This way, everytime you're in a rush and hungry, the odds to pick up an healthy food is bigger.
6. Wrap unhealthy food in tin foil and healthy food in plastic wrap. Because of its opacity, tin foil doesn't allow us to see what's so, your are less likely to eat it.
7. Use bigger packages to put your healthy food. Our eyes are trainned to look first to big boxes and so, if you follow this advice you are more likely to eat these kind of food. But pay attention: If you buy unhealthy food that comes in big packages, you shall trasfer it to smaller ones.
8. Use the "half plate" rule, which means that you shall fill half of your plate with vegetables first and than add the rest of the meal.
9. Use the "outer ring" strategy to buy healtier foods, because that's usually the location of the fresh and less processed foods.
10. Follow the previous advices ;)
This post was based on this article: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231277
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